Hey everyone! It's time to embark on a monthly challenge together! The last time I took on a wellness challenge was back in the summer and spring of last year, and I had a blast. These challenges are a great way to jumpstart wellness goals and create a healthier lifestyle. We all have moments where we don't feel our best and make choices that aren't the healthiest. The important thing is to acknowledge our faults, accept them, and make adjustments to reach our goals. Remember, it's never too late to make a change in your life. You don't have to wait for a specific day or time to start a wellness challenge; you can begin RIGHT now!

The only person holding you back is yourself! Decide right here, right now, that you're done with negative thinking and limiting yourself in areas that can actually provide a limitless future. We all make mistakes and sometimes lose sight of our priorities, but that's okay. What's incredible is that we bounce back from those poor choices and create the life we're meant to live – a life filled with abundance, light, health, joy, and love.

If you're not aware already, I'm currently living what I call a Malibu Summer. It's a summer dedicated to enjoying life, being present with loved ones, and participating in activities that bring me immense joy. As I embrace this Malibu Summer lifestyle, I wanted to dig deeper and create a health and wellness challenge that would keep me motivated throughout the month and aligned with my goals. This challenge primarily focuses on training my mind to have a strong, positive mindset and optimizing my physical health to feel light, toned, and confident in my body. You're welcome to join in on the fun or create your own challenge! I'll explain how I create these challenges so that you can create your own based on mine.

Step #1

When taking on any challenge, it's important to write down how you want to feel by the end of the month. Take some time to journal about your desired feelings, the things you've already accomplished, and how you'll celebrate at the end of the challenge (in this case, by July 31st) as if you’ve already completed the challenge. Having clarity on your future self will help define your greater WHY for the challenge.

For example, imagine it's July 31st, and you're reflecting on the past few weeks of this challenge. You might write something like, "Wow! I'm incredibly grateful to have completed this challenge! I had the stamina, discipline, and self-control to stay consistent with my goals every single day. As a result, I managed to lose a pound per week, maintain a 14-hour fasting window, and now I can run 3 miles at a time! It's amazing what I've achieved! I couldn't have done it without the help of a higher power. Thank you, God! I'm thrilled to celebrate my achievement this weekend. I treated myself to a new bikini and loungewear set. I'll be heading to the beach, feeling confident in my body. I might even take a picture to capture this beautiful memory I'm creating." Of course, make this reflection completely personal, using your own voice and getting descriptive about what YOU want to happen.

Step #2

The second part of this challenge is defining your goals and the daily habits that will help you achieve them. This is where you’ll write, “By the end of this month, I will have accomplished…” and then you will list out your goals. Here are mine!

July 2023 Challenge

  1. Attend Weekly Therapy Sessions

  2. Daily 14 Hour Fasting Window

  3. Be Able To Run 3 Miles

  4. Get My Mindset Right!

Notice how I am only focusing on achieving 4 goals. This is because our brains can only handle so much at a time! It’s better to go all in on a few goals rather than going halfway in trying to achieve multiple goals. For each of these goals, I have a few tasks that I will do daily/weekly to achieve these overarching 4 goals — which leads us into the next step.

Step #3

Break down your big goals into daily/weekly tasks. These are tasks or habits that you will implement on a daily basis that with consistency will help you achieve your overall goals for the month. Have a look at mine!

  1. Attend Weekly Therapy Sessions

    • Sign onto BetterHelp & match with a new therapist!

    • Schedule the first meeting.

    • After the primary meeting, schedule weekly sessions.

  2. Daily 14 Hour Fasting Window

    • Warm Lemon Water — most mornings

    • Pack Breakfast + Lunch for the Office (preferably the night before)

    • Reminder: The reason why you’re doing this is because you know that your body feels better when you fast for 14 hours. Time and time again, you have noticed that fasting 14 hours does wonders for your digestion.

  3. Be Able To Run 3 Miles

    • Cardio Training — Used ChatGPT to create a workout plan that will help me train.

      • Schedule the workouts in my calendar!

    • Strength Training — Per my PT, we are currently working on strengthening my hips.

      • Schedule Hip Strengthening Exercises — At least 4x per week

      • Daily Stretching — schedule time to stretch as part of evening routine

      • Attend 1 Yoga Class Weekly

      • Attend 1 Pilates Class Weekly

  4. Get Your Mindset Right!

    • Every night, write out your outline and intentions for the following day.

    • AM

      • While brushing your teeth, thank God for everything in your life!

      • When journaling, list 5 things you’re grateful for and 5 affirmations.

    • PM

      • Create a relaxing evening routine. Focus on slowing down and loving yourself + body!

Step #4

Plan time to reflect on your goals and daily tasks every day in order to keep yourself accountable. Set daily reminders to motivate you to keep going. The hardest part isn’t starting and planning out your goals, it’s following through when you’re in the thick of it! You have what it takes to succeed! You have everything you need!

I hope this post inspires you to join in on the fun! I will be posting my progress on the @elegantandelevated instagram account, so please make sure you’re following me over there! Of course, if you happen to be following along or doing your own challenge with me, please don’t be shy to share your progress and tag me on your Instagram stories/posts! Good luck! xx


From Walking to Running: The Program I Used to Run 3 Miles


Harnessing the Power of Mindset for Optimal Health and Well-being