Wellness Challenge - Summer ‘22

I really enjoyed sharing my Spring Wellness Challenge here on the blog back in February. I’m always about being the best version of myself and with summer coming, I have a few new goals I would like to achieve. 

This will be different from your usual summer prep mentality. This isn’t about getting in the best shape of your life for summer, because frankly, I already am in the best shape that I’ve ever been in. I’m not saying this to brag or boast, but I want to be honest. Ever since I wrote my last wellness challenge blog, I really got into the best shape. You may be wondering what I did, what I ate, or how I may have gotten here, but again to be honest: there wasn’t anything specific that I did. It was a mentality that changed it all for me. I stopped worrying about my outside appearance and instead focused on trying to be healthy for me. I became proud of myself. I started to truly love my body and be happy with what I had. This might seem all “woo-woo”, but it worked. The more I appreciated my body the more I saw my body change for the better.

With less pressure and stress, I was working out and eating healthy because I love my body. I was eating good things to fuel and nourish myself. I was working out because I wanted to and I was excited to, not because I had to. I did everything intuitively and with gratitude for myself. Again, not to sound conceited and also not to make you go “we get it, but you already had a good body before”. But, that’s the point! So do you! You are beautiful with the body you have right now! You have a body that was made perfectly for you. Start appreciating it. Start finding the beauty in it. Love your insecurities and I guarantee over time you’ll start seeing your body without imperfections. Not to say you’ll have the perfect body, but you’ll stop seeing your body as imperfect (meaning the mental shift will allow you to see it as unique to YOU). 

With all that being said, I suggest starting with making wellness goals for yourself. Make goals about the deeper meaning of wellness rather than solely “getting fit for summer”. To give a little more insight and inspiration, here are the goals I have set for myself leading into summer.

  1. Eat more fiber through consuming more fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

  2. Get 7+ hours of quality sleep each night.

  3. Read and meditate more to reduce stress and gain mental clarity.

  4. Wake up earlier and implement a consistent morning routine.

Lately, I’ve been wanting to focus more on internal health rather than specific fitness goals. By achieving these goals, I hope to reduce stress, gain mental clarity, balance hormones, and improve digestion. My overall goal is for my body to perform at optimal levels and enjoy life to the fullest along the way. I hope this inspires you to identify your goals leading into the summer season. Let’s be our healthiest, most vibrant selves! 


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