The Summer Edit: Getting Back to My Roots

Summer is on it’s way and I’m ready for it! I’m not going to lie, these past few weeks have been hard for me. I’ve been going through a mental slump where I haven’t been feeling my best. Thankfully, I’ve started to turn that around and I now have a clearer outlook on this stage in my life and what I want out of this summer.

My theme for this summer is to get back to my roots. I’ve had this deep yearning to be deeply rooted in who I am and what I enjoy. I want to love each and every day and find joy in the simple things again. I’m craving what I’m calling a Malibu summer. In order to make the most out of this summer and further get me out of my funk, I’ve decided to take the tips I’ve learned from this video to create the summer of my dreams!

This summer I want to relax, have fun, and create memories! I’m spending my summer at home in LA and I want it to be a very grounding summer. I want to channel the kind of summers I grew up on…you know the ones where you spend lots of time in nature, eat nourishing foods, read fun fiction novels, and surround yourself with those you love? Yeah…those kind of summers. I want to feel calm, fresh, and clean. I desire peace, the feeling of fresh air, to take care of my body & feel energized, and fully embrace life’s simple moments! I desire to serve, expand my community, and to be more connected with myself and God’s purpose for me. I desire to live in alignment. I desire home cooked meals, good company, sunset walks, smiles + laughter, picnics on the beach, running outside, hosting, making my apartment feel more homey, and having more focus and concentration on my work and when I study.

This summer is truly about making the most out of what my home has to offer! To live this kind of more simple lifestyle. You never know what the future has to hold — next year I could be in my European summer era or I could be spending it on the East Coast or living out a summer with more “going out” vibes. You never know, but for right now, this is the kind of summer I’m feeling called to live and I’m going to lean into it as much as possible!

Plus…..I guess this also means I get to do some summer shopping for some more casual & sporty outfits + cute home goods!

What kind of summer are you craving? Please let me know over on Instagram and as always, I have included some items that I’m eyeing to make my Malibu summer complete!

xx Alicia

Disclaimer: The photos featured in this collage are from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is of any of these photos, please let me know so I can credit them.


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