My Favorite Hydration Tips!

Something I’ve noticed rather recently is that I drink a TON of water, yet I still feel dehydrated. This can happen for a multitude of reasons. The main reason is due to having a slight electrolyte imbalance. The purpose of electrolytes in the body (on a very basic level) is to help regulate the body’s chemical reactions and maintain the balance between fluids inside and outside of our cells. Overall, electrolytes are necessary to maintain balance within the body and help the body optimally perform.

Without the proper electrolyte balance, we can feel dehydrated (on a minor scale) or left feeling very unwell (on a greater scale). For me, I’ve personally been experiencing dry skin which is not very normal for me, feeling very thirsty, and even feeling lethargic at times. All this to say, I was experiencing minor symptoms of dehydration even though I was drinking a lot of water. What I didn’t realize is that the water I was drinking wasn’t replenishing my electrolytes well enough. Instead, I was drinking a ton of water and ended up flushing out the vitamins and minerals that kept me hydrated. This also can happen when you sweat or work out a lot or even if you happen to take a prescription diuretic. To combat this and any signs of dehydration, I’ve found a few easy ways to add these important vitamins & minerals back into my body and replenish my electrolytes.

Spring Water

I first learned about the importance of spring water from the Netflix documentary, Down to Earth featuring Zac Efron and Darin Olien. Episode 2 talked all about the different kinds of water and how spring water is actually better for you because it naturally has all the vitamins and minerals we need to stay hydrated. After incorporating more spring water into my life, I will say I do feel the benefits. I will personally opt for spring water whenever purchasing water bottles over purified water or alkaline water.

Coconut Water

I love coconut water! Younger me would definitely not agree, but I’ve learned to LOVE coconut water over the years. Coconut water is great for replenishing electrolytes. Think of it as the Earth’s natural gatorade. I personally like to purchase unsweetened coconut water and I always check the nutrition labels to make sure no added sugar or juice or even preservatives are added to it.

Lemon Water Elixir

Sometimes purchasing spring water or coconut water isn’t always available, so I often make a little hydration elixir of my own at home! It’s super simple. All you need is 8 oz of water, 1/4 of a lemon’s juice or more based on taste preference, and a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt. That’s it and it does just the trick!

Eat Fruit & Veggies with High Water Content

Another way to get in some extra hydration is to eat fruits and veggies with high water content. Think watermelon, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, and many more. There’s a whole list of high water content fruits and vegetables on the internet. What’s great is not only will you be able to get some of your water needs from there, but also other great vitamins & minerals and fiber.

Hydration Packets

In all honesty, I’m not a big fan of using hydration packets these days as there’s a lot on the market that tend to be high in sugar. This also goes for other electrolyte drinks you find in stores. Some have food dyes, sugar, and other preservatives. Now, don’t get me wrong. Sugar is necessary for hydration in your diet. However, I prefer to get my sugar elsewhere in my diet and like to keep sugar in hydration packets to a minimum. I have found an electrolyte mix that looks quite promising based on the ingredients, however, I haven’t tried it myself to know if it works or not (so take this with a grain of salt). But because I like to offer you other options when I can, the brand is called LMNT. Their electrolyte mix has zero sugar, no artificial ingredients or fillers. I will update this blog once I have the chance to try them, but in the meantime, this could be a great option when traveling or when on-the-go!

I hope these tips help you rehydrate after a long workout, sick days, or even days when you need a little extra hydration boost. Please let me know over on Instagram if any of these tips work for you or what your hydration tips are! Stay hydrated my friends!


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