Getting Through Times of Stress and Anxiety

Over the past few days, I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress. Anxiety and stress management has been something that I have been working on for a few years now and let me tell you - it’s been a journey. Over the years, I have learned how to keep my anxiety at bay and in times of struggle, I now have the tools to help reduce my anxiety as much as I possibly can. I would love to share with you my tips in case you, too, are struggling and are in need of a little help getting through it. 

Tips to reduce anxiety and stressful moments 

  1. Locate the root cause of your anxiety. Really dig deep and figure out what is making you feel this way. Is it a current situational event? Or is it your mind feeding you negative thoughts about yourself or current situation? Or both?

  2. If it is a current situation that is happening in your life, recognize what is out of your control, accept it, and focus on what you can control. This step is often hard to do, but it’s the greatest thing I’ve learned on this journey. When it comes to stressful situations with other people the truth is that you can’t control others, but you can control yourself. This idea helped me realize that not everything is in my control and sometimes you have to let go of what you can’t control so that you can put your energy towards the things you can. 

  3. If your mind is feeding you with negative thoughts, recognize what is actually true and where your mind is playing tricks on you. Not every thought is valid. Feelings are valid, but thoughts aren’t always. Sometimes our mind can fixate on certain problems in our life and spiral into a cycle of negative thoughts. It is our job to break that cycle and reel it back in. Easier said than done, but starting with recognizing what is actually true will help you do that. 

  4. What can you do to put a stop to your anxiety and/or stressful situation? What steps can you take to make a difference in how you feel? How can you reduce your anxiety now and also inhibit it from happening in the future? Sometimes this means daily work to reduce anxiety over a long period of time, but in the end it’s worth it. Remember to also give yourself grace. Life happens and you will have times of feeling low and times of feeling high. It’s about how you get yourself out of feeling low and how you keep yourself disciplined in doing these daily positive habits when you’re feeling high that will help you over time. 

  5. Now to the other steps I take when feeling anxious. Reflection is a big part of getting rid of my anxiety, so I wanted to equip you with the thought-provoking questions I ask myself when journaling to work through my thoughts. Other things I do to help lower my anxiety are: 

    • Exercising/getting outside - they say endorphins make you happy for a reason. I find when stressed, working out really does help me feel better. Stepping outside is a big stress-reliever. I love being outside in the sunshine, hearing the birds chirp, and listening to the sounds of nature. Sometimes a simple walk helps me and other times an intense workout or run really does the trick. Do whatever workout makes you happy!  

    • Creating a zen and peaceful environment. Slow down and set a vibe. Whether you’re at work, at home, driving, etc. Wherever you are, create the best possible experience you can. Activate the senses. Listen to the music that makes you happy and at peace. Move a little slower, enjoy the present moment (again even if you’re working). A lot of times I get so worked up because I’m moving a mile a minute and many times it’s not necessary to be rushing to something. Slowing down and trying your best to enjoy the moment is very helpful to feel more calm. 

    • Breathe - take the time to breathe. Whenever I start feeling a wave of stress or anxiety over me I take a second to breathe. I like to close my eyes and breathe in for 4 slow counts, hold for 4 slow counts, and breathe out for 6 counts. This is another way that will help you slow down and although it doesn’t always relieve stress, it definitely helps. 

    • Lastly is to do the things that make you happy. Whether that’s relaxing on the couch, to painting, singing, or cooking. Do the things that you most enjoy and spend time with the people you love. Lift your spirits in whatever way you can. Sometimes you just need a moment or a good laugh with others to make you feel better. 

I hope these tips help you in some way, shape or form. It’s an awful feeling to deal with constant stress and anxiety. It’s so easy to get into a negative state and it really does take a lot to get out of. Know that this state is temporary and it’ll soon be over. Don’t give up on doing the things that you know will help. Consistency is key and over time it will all soon get better. Sending you all lots of love and thank you for reading. 

*Note: I am not a therapist or mental health professional in any way. These are just the things that I do that have helped me on my journey. Please always consult with a professional and take my advice with a grain of salt.


Wellness Challenge - Summer ‘22


Wellness Challenge — Spring ‘22