Embracing Life's Ups and Downs: Finding Your Best Self


Life is a journey filled with moments of doubt and regression. As the saying goes, "What goes up, must come down." These fluctuations are especially true on our personal transformation journeys. In the beginning, we are highly motivated and inspired to chase our goals, but eventually, we hit a wall and our "old self" resurfaces. This is normal, and you're not alone in feeling this way.

During such moments, it's essential to look inward and assess the situation. While seeking advice from others is okay, ultimately, we must rely on our relationship with ourselves and with our spirituality. We are spiritual beings, and God desires us to be close to Him, living out our purpose with His guidance.

In my experience, negative feelings and feeling distant from my best self actually stems from being distant from God. Even when having a wonderful relationship with God overall, I can still have times where I lack faith and trust in Jesus. It’s hard to admit to myself, but it is so important to recognize any obstacles that hinder my faith so that I can work on overcoming them. 

While it may be challenging to confront limiting beliefs and self-worth issues, acknowledging them allows us to grow in our faith. By surrendering our lives to Jesus and placing our trust in Him, we can overcome these obstacles and reconnect with our best selves. Remember, everyone faces struggles and challenges, and it's natural to experience moments of despair. But with Jesus as your guide, you're not alone in your journey. Life's goal is to pursue positivity, even though setbacks are inevitable. Trust that you can overcome these hurdles and achieve your goals with Jesus by your side.

To further reconnect with your best self, take action rather than waiting for inspiration or motivation. Focus on habits that make you feel good, as positive actions lead to better decisions and a compounding effect of improvement.

Limit distractions, particularly excessive time on social media and overvaluing others' opinions. By doing so, you make space for God's guidance, gaining clarity on your life's direction.

Remember to stay obedient and keep the promises you make to yourself. This builds true confidence and self-worth. If you commit to something, follow through, and if not, avoid making empty promises.

In conclusion, the journey to becoming your best self requires dedication, time, and effort. Embrace life's fluctuations, stay connected to Jesus, and take consistent action toward your goals. With Jesus’s love and guidance, you have the potential to shine and live your life in the best possible way for yourself and for God.

For more information on how I am currently reconnecting with my best self, read up on my two latest blog posts! Here’s all about how I’m coming back to myself and creating better habits through my July Challenge and Malibu Summer.


Disclaimer: The photo on the previous page and this page are from Pinterest. I do not own these rights to the photos. If you know who the photo belongs to, please let me know so that I can give them the appropriate credit.


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