The Summer Edit: A Quiet Life

Summer is officially here, and I’m savoring every minute of it! This year, I am reaping the benefits of the seeds I sowed last year. If you remember, my Summer Edit from last year was the beginning of this journey. That Summer Edit was different from previous ones because I fully embodied the woman I wanted to be and embraced the lifestyle I desired. I wanted to live differently, to reconnect with my roots and relive the nostalgic summers of my childhood. I focused on better health, created fun activities, and fully embraced the “Malibu Summer” vibe.

Since then, I’ve continued to create themes and goals for each season. With every season, I grew happier, accomplished my goals, and experienced the compounding effect of progress. My life started to transform. I started to transform. Now, I am living a life I always dreamed of. Do I still have other dreams? Absolutely! But I am living a life I thank God for every second of every day. I am experiencing the greatest gift I prayed for: true contentment and peace. My life is peaceful. It is quiet and, to some, it may seem boring because it is very routine and simple, but to me, it is pure bliss!

I love my life. I love my friends and the relationships I’ve built over the past eight months. I love who I’m becoming and how I’ve grown. I feel more mature. I know myself on a deeper level than ever before. I am deeply in touch with my emotions and can regulate them better than ever. I am at peace. I do what I love, and I am making progress towards my biggest dreams. Day by day, week by week, month by month, I am transforming and enjoying the journey. And isn’t that the best thing we could ever ask for? Enjoying the journey instead of wishing we were at the destination.

This summer is all about enjoying the journey. I am continuing the great work I’ve been doing in my life and I am consistent with the daily routine that moves me forward and makes me feel my best. I am building on previous habits, getting better and better each day. I am creating memories and living my life intentionally. To give you more insight into the lifestyle I’m channeling this summer, here are my current intentions:

  • Healthy Eating: More greens, fresh fruits, and yummy smoothies.

  • Home Project: Decorating my patio. I’m currently looking to order some furniture and start a small kitchen garden with fresh herbs. I am craving time spent outside on my balcony, enjoying the fresh air.

  • Reading: As you know from Instagram, I’m reading up a storm! The second picture on the top row of the collage is literally me every single night. My friends and I recently created a book club, which I’m very excited about. I’m truly enjoying these moments with my friends, creating wholesome hangouts and having the best conversations.

  • Sleep Routine: James and I have perfected our sleep routine which we look forward to every evening! You can learn more about it here.

I hope this post inspires you to take some time to discover how you want to spend your summer and set some intentions. Enjoy this beautiful life! And remember, you have the power to make it beautiful!

xx Alicia


Disclaimer: The photos featured in this collage are from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is of any of these photos, please let me know so I can credit them.


My Summer Reading List