How To Boost Your Energy

I’ve been really struggling with my energy lately. I feel like ever since I moved into my apartment I’ve been feeling so lethargic. I’ve learned the hard way that my body NEEDS natural light — which my apartment unfortunately lacks. I know that many people often feel this way especially during the winter months. It’s colder, the days are shorter, and many of us have a tougher time waking up in the morning. In the hopes of helping others who are also experiencing a lack of energy, I wanted to go over a few tips I’ve been implementing in my daily routine. These tips not only boost your energy naturally, but are alternative methods to having several cups of coffee each day. 

Morning Walks

Waking up in the morning can be a daunting task, especially if you wake up in the dark. For those lighter mornings, I have found that forcing myself out of bed to take a quick walk around the block has done wonders for my energy. I have read that getting sunlight exposure within the first 20 minutes of waking has many health benefits. One of them being that it helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Simultaneously, movement and fresh air first thing in the morning also helps awaken your body.


If it’s still too dark for a walk and you aren’t able to get in a workout, an alternative would be to do some light stretching first thing in the morning. Stretching is great for your muscles and keeps them healthy and strong. My muscles tend to feel quite stiff in the mornings so getting in a good stretch helps prepare them for the day ahead. Remember to be careful when stretching and to not do super deep stretches as your muscles are tight. Save the deep stretching for post workout.

Cold Shower

This might not be the most delightful thing to do in the morning, but it sure does wake you up. Taking a cold shower in the morning is quite invigorating. It increases your body’s circulation, oxygen intake, and overall alertness. It is great for reducing muscle soreness post-workout and also, in general, is great for your hair and skin. I like to aim for 3 minutes after a workout, stretching or a walk as I mentioned above. It is a great way to boost your energy pre-coffee.

A Good Breakfast

I always like to start the day with a good breakfast. Whenever I start the day eating too much sugar or something overly fatty, it throws my whole day off. I feel sluggish and find myself being more hungry due to not getting the nutrients my body needed in the first place. Whether it’s in the morning or early afternoon (if you fast), it's best to have your first meal be nutrient dense. My go-to meal is a smoothie. It’s easy, it’s jam-packed with nutrients, and it’s perfect to bring on-the-go. Whatever the meal, I would aim to make sure your meal has a balance of good carbs, healthy fat, and lean protein. Having balanced meals will keep you satisfied and allow your body to perform to its best ability throughout the day.


You often don’t think of getting in your greens to revive your energy. However, greens do contain various nutrients that promote energy. It won’t feel as energizing as a coffee, but it definitely does make you feel good. I personally love getting my greens in first thing in the morning because it sets me up for a better day. Just knowing that I’m doing good for my body boosts my mood, which in turn, boosts my energy ever so slightly. It might not be the end all be all for boosting your energy, but it definitely doesn’t hurt to get in those greens whether it be from actual leafy greens, greens juice, or a greens powder.

Gua Sha

I am not sure what it is — it may be the lymphatic drainage — but using my gua sha tool in the morning really helps wake me up. I always feel more full of light and energized immediately afterwards. Although I don’t do this every morning as it’s pretty time-consuming, I highly recommend doing a gentle facial massage when you have some time to spare. Not only does this help sculpt your face and de-puff in the morning, it also feels so nice to give yourself a little TLC to start your day on a positive note.

I hope these tips help you find new ways to boost your energy without relying on caffeine. Please let me know if you happen to try any of these tips out and how you liked them. Remember, you don’t have to ditch the coffee or matcha in the morning. These are just additional steps you can take if you’re feeling extra tired or need other options to help you get started with your day.


Wellness Challenge — Spring ‘22