How to Feel More Polished and Put-Together

Something that I’ve put a lot of effort into lately is my appearance. It’s funny because it sounds like the most vain thing in the world, but in all honesty, it has less to do with vanity and more to do with gaining personal confidence. Here’s the bottom line: when I feel that I look good and put-together, I feel better about myself. When I feel better about myself, I am way more productive and way more motivated to tackle daily tasks and achieve my goals. 

This doesn’t mean that I’m dressed to the nines everyday, but it does mean that I put in a little extra effort when getting dressed for the day. I like to think of the process of getting ready for the day as self-care. I am taking the time to do things for me and wear the things that make me happy. It’s the best feeling to not only feel my best, but also look my best. And if that’s how I achieve feeling my best, then so be it! With this in mind, if you’re wanting to know the things I do to feel more polished and put-together, well then, here you go! 


First and foremost, having my nails well-kept makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t know what it is about having my nails done that makes me feel so good, but it truly is my favorite, most-pampering thing to do for myself. This doesn’t always mean having them polished or that I must visit the nail salon often, this just means that I have taken the time to keep them neatly filed and moisturized. Sometimes, I go through phases of liking my nails freshly polished and other times I like my nails with no polish at all. Either way, I like having them clean and well-maintained. 

Dress to Impress Yourself

I know I said you don’t have to dress to the nines to feel put-together and you absolutely do not! Dress in a way that makes you feel good. Is that workout attire? Is that wearing heels? Is that wearing a dress or a tailored suit? Whatever it may be, wear the things that make you feel the most confident. 

Part of feeling confident is also dressing appropriately for certain occasions. For instance, workout attire may not fit a formal office setting, but whatever it is you do wear, make sure you wear it in your style and taste. You may not have to dress to impress others, but in some circumstances you may need to dress out of respect for others. 

Take the time to identify what your style is and what makes you feel most confident. Create “go-to” outfits so that on days you are rushing to get out the door, you have a fool-proof option ready to go. 

Lastly, pay attention to the small details. Lint roll to get off any pet fur. Cut off any tags or loose threads. Steam wrinkly clothes before wearing them. With whatever you wear, the tiny details matter when it comes to looking polished. 


The next feature I like to focus on is my hair. My hair is the main part of the equation for feeling put together and probably where I need to put in the most effort. Don’t get me wrong, I love my hair, but it can be so unmanageable at times. When I’m having a bad hair day or I’m simply lazy, it’s nice to have a couple hair styles up my sleeve to help make it look like I put in more effort than I actually did. My go-to is a slick bun or ponytail. It’s the easiest thing to do when running low on time and a style I know makes my hair look great! On the days I really want to step it up and I need more of a confidence boost, I will style my hair. I will either straighten, curl, or (if freshly washed) blow dry it. These three ways of styling my hair make me feel like my absolute best self and makes me feel like I have it all together. 


Makeup is one of those things I have a love/hate relationship with. Some days I absolutely love doing my makeup and other days I really love having a fresh face. Either way, I make sure my skin receives the TLC it needs. Before I put on makeup, I make sure to do my morning skincare which involves a face wash, serum, and sunscreen. If I choose to wear makeup, I will apply it. If not, I like to brush my brows and apply a nice moisturizing lip balm. I’ve gotten to the place that I thoroughly enjoy the way I look without makeup and I am confident in my own bare skin. It really comes down to how I feel that day. Whatever you decide to do, do what makes you feel your best. Sometimes it’s just the little touches that make you feel put-together before you walk out the door. 

I hope this helps you find ways to feel more polished and put-together. It’s not about being perfect, but more about taking more time for yourself in the morning. Sometimes that’s with appearance and other times it’s doing the things to get you mentally prepared for the day, or a combination of both. Let me know on Instagram what you do to feel most put-together! :)


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