What does it mean to have an Abundance Mindset?


Something that I’ve struggled with in the past is having an abundance mindset. There have been times where I felt abundant and there have also been times where I felt scarce, especially when it came to money. If you weren’t already aware, having an abundance mindset has to do with more than just money. Having an abundance mindset means having an abundance mindset when it comes to your health, friendships, opportunities, ideas, love, and of course money and material items. 

When we have a scarcity mindset, we believe we don’t have enough. Instead we negate what we already have and feel negatively about our current circumstances. In reality, our circumstances could really not be all that bad. In fact, they could be great! But, that’s the thing about mentality. It’s not always about what’s real, but it’s about what we think and if we think we don’t have enough, well I guess that’s our reality isn’t it? 

If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more.

If you look at what you don’t have in life, you will never have enough. — Oprah Winfrey 

In fact, it’s ungrateful. And that’s a hard pill to swallow. It’s hard to admit when you’re being unappreciative for what you have right in front of you. The reality is you DO have enough of what you need. Do you know why I know this? It’s because whether you believe it or not, God has our backs. Always! He will always provide us with what we need. Not always with what we want, but definitely with what we need. 

MATTHEW 6 : 31 – 33 | “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

God will never abandon us. He gives us so many undeserved blessings and gifts because He loves us. Not because we had to do anything to earn them. When we choose to cast aside His thoughtfully prepared gifts to us and wish for more it is very unappreciative. Could you imagine giving someone a gift that you were so excited to give them because you LOVE that person and then once received they ask if you have more to offer or if they could have something else? How rude would that be? 

That’s what having a scarcity mindset is. It’s ungrateful, unappreciative, and it’s not recognizing what you actually have. 

The first step to curing scarcity mindset and stepping into an abundance mindset is to be grateful. Be grateful for EVERYTHING you have. Yes, maybe you don’t have as much money, opportunities, or friends as you’d like right now, but be grateful for what you DO have. Focus on the positives and feel gratitude for everyone and everything in your life. That is a gift from God. And if you want more, that’s okay but be honest: What is going to give you more of what you want, complaints or gratefulness? 

When you focus on the good in your life, more good will come. Trust me. Think of an ungrateful child versus a grateful one. When a child is ungrateful, you don’t really feel called to give them anything do you? When a child is grateful, you are more likely to want to shower them with love and gifts, etc. This is the same concept. When we are grateful for the gifts God already gave us, He will continue to bless us even more. 

To summarize, having an abundance mindset means:

  • You believe you have more than enough and that there is enough to go around for everyone.

  • You are a giver and are very generous with your time, money, resources, and connections.

  • You believe that anything is possible.

  • You’re wise with your words and you speak positively.

  • You are grateful for all that you have and anything more is simply a bonus.

  • You focus on the good and you keep your mind growing and evolving.

For more on how to have an abundance mindset, check out this article

*Journal Prompt: Try journaling about what your limiting beliefs are and then beside them write the truth.


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