Finding Your Purpose In Life & Seeking Clarity
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, they are unstable in everything they do.
— JAMES 1 : 5 – 8
Finding Your Purpose
You realize it’s finally time for a radical change. You’ve been sleeping at the wheel of your life and now it’s time for you to take control and find your purpose. Maybe you’ve already found your purpose, but you’re not living according to it. Either way, you’re ready to make a change. We all know the analogy for “Jesus to take the wheel” of our lives. You know that God has control over everything in our lives. However, even though He has the power to do anything and everything in this Universe, that’s not where He wants to position himself to be. Instead of controlling everything for us, He wants to guide us as a father figure would and have us learn from Him. He wants us to drive ourselves to our ultimate destination.
In the analogy of living a life without purpose, it’s like we’re asleep at the wheel or in the passenger seat of the car while we let God do all the driving. We’re not awake to keep Him company or make conversation on this drive of our lives. We are simply asleep and contributing absolutely nothing. Now, why would God want that kind of relationship? We’re basically telling Him “nah, you do it. I’m too lazy to bother”. How fun is that? Would you want to go on a road trip where you did all of the driving while the passenger slept the entire time? In this scenario, God will always protect you while He drives but what is incentivizing Him to steer you forward? He’d probably be more inclined to sit and wait until you’re done sleeping and you’re ready to reach your ultimate destination.
Now, let’s put ourselves in the driver’s seat. God has prepared us for this drive with all of the lessons and the guidance He offers. He was the one who taught us how to drive in the first place and now it’s our turn to take the wheel. Again not because He can’t do it himself, but because He wants us to experience and be present for the drive of our lives. Of course, you will hit bumps in the road, but He’ll always be right there next to you in the passenger seat to help you navigate the road. He’ll give you directions when you need it and is there when you need to talk. This is where we’re meant to be. This is the aligned relationship God wants for us. He wants us to be able to take control of our lives, but also drive knowing that we always have Him right there next to us for the entire journey.
Seeking Clarity
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. — Romans 12:2
Seeking clarity is an ongoing journey. As we evolve, we will always need to continuously check in with ourselves and reflect on whether we are aligned with God’s purpose for us.
How do we do that? We simply make time for Him by making time for self-reflection. It takes a lot of self-awareness to understand when we need to take a step back and have this quiet time because often times what we need the most, we tend to run from the most.
Have you ever had moments where you’re just trying to numb out and fill whatever void you’re feeling? I know I do. I can get in these moods where I am just trying to fill whatever void I’m feeling with watching tv, scrolling social media, eating food, or just trying to force things to happen in my life. It’s when I take a step back that I realize that what I’ve been doing is all wrong.
Sometimes you just need to take a moment, sit back, and slow down. Allow time to reflect and decipher whether you’re in true alignment with yourself. When you make time for stillness, you allow God’s guidance to come through. When we are constantly busy and filling ourselves with earthly distractions, we have clouded minds and are stepping further away from the clarity that we seek.
This also goes for comparison. In these moments, what we need to do the most is to put our blinders on and focus on ourselves. We often know what we need to do in these moments. We must stop avoiding the things we know we’re meant to do and trust that everything will all align as it’s supposed to. It’s part of our nature to want to analyze everything before we make a leap of faith. But, that is exactly what it is. A leap of faith. We must trust that God has our backs in all situations. He will give us the clarity we so deeply seek as we continue moving forward on our journey.
Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. — 1 Thessalonians 4:11
You deserve to live the life of your dreams. You deserve to reach your full potential. It’s time to give yourself the attention you so deeply deserve. Give up the need to focus on other people’s lives and always checking in on what others are doing. Whether this is by scrolling social media or comparing yourself to the people in your life. Remember that everyone is on a different path and in different parts of their journey. Make it your goal to mind your business and focus all of your attention on building your life rather than being entertained by the lives of others.
I hope this post has helped you understand how to find the clarity you seek and discover your true God-given purpose. It sounds simple to just make more time for self-reflection. That’s the easy part. It’s the trusting, allowing, and following through with the wisdom God gives you that’s the challenge. Trust me, I’m in the same boat. We got this! I love you all 🤍
For further help on finding your purpose and seeking the clarity you need, here are some of the journal prompts that have helped me tremendously!
Journal Prompts:
If you could wake up tomorrow and live your dream life, what would you be doing? How would you spend your day? What really fulfills you to your core?
What is holding you back from living out your purpose?
What do you genuinely need right now? What habits are no longer serving you?
What are you loving right now? What phase are you in and what’s keeping you from leaning in and fully embracing this part of your journey?