Small Habits that Manifest a Better Life

Manifestation has been quite a popular topic these days. Although there may be things in your life you can’t control, there are certainly things you can do to create your dream life. I believe it all boils down to the daily habits you instill and how positive you keep your mindset. Without further ado, here are a few of the habits that help me manifest my dream life. 

Morning Minutes

Morning minutes is a term I like to use to refer to the time I like to spend journaling, reading my bible, praying and meditating in the morning. I believe starting off your day by taking time for yourself helps put you in a positive mindset. It gives you a sense of clarity and allows you to start your day with being proactive.

Take Care of your Belongings

Whether you realize it or not, your belongings are a reflection of you. How you keep your environment and the things inside of it translates into the person you are and the person you are becoming. I know many people hear this tip about cleanliness — which is a part of what I’m talking about — however, it’s more than that. How are you really taking care of the things around you? Are you gentle and delicate with your belongings or do you tend to throw things, shove things, and are mindlessly rough with your possessions? 

Let me give you a few examples:

  • If you’re wanting to manifest your dream car — let me ask you, what is the state of your car now? How are you currently taking care of it? Is it beat up, messy on the inside, dirty on the outside, do you drive with care or carelessly? All of these little things that you do every day add up and make you the kind of person who drives a dirty, beat up, old car. Is that how you picture your dream car? Or do you picture your dream car pristine? It smells like a new car, it’s flawless, it’s clean and you are so excited to drive it everyday. If that is what you want, make sure your actions today match the dream you want in the future. That means prioritizing car washes, taking in trash from your car after every ride, driving with a little more care and maintaining the integrity of the car no matter the kind of car it is. Live as if you had that dream car now and you will be a lot closer to your goal than if you were doing the opposite. 

  • If you’re wanting a better wardrobe, how are you currently taking care of the clothes you have now? When you put them on, do you put them on by pulling and tugging the clothing item in place and afterwards are you roughly taking it off and throwing it on the ground? If you are packing clothes for a trip or an outfit change later in the day, are you shoving the clothing items into your bag or are you neatly packing them with care? Treat every clothing item like an expensive garment. Wash it correctly, be gentle with it, hang/store the items neatly and nicely. It might not seem like a big deal now and by no means am I asking you to be OCD about it, but a little TLC to your current items goes a long way in manifesting the life you want in the future.

Put Yourself Together Every Morning

Taking care of your outer appearance often leads to feeling better on the inside. When you are more confident in yourself and feel put together, you are more motivated to go after your goals. This doesn’t mean that you have to wear makeup every single day and be dressed to the nines, but putting a little extra effort into your appearance builds the habit of taking better care of yourself. If you want a makeup free day, that’s great! Take that time to focus more on your skincare. On days you don’t know what to do with your hair, put it into a sleek bun with a little hair oil. Have a go-to outfit when you’re running late that you know makes you look and feel your best. These simple habits help you become a better you, not only on the outside but on the inside. You’re telling yourself everyday you are worth it! You are worth the tender, love, and care you give yourself. You are worth a couple extra minutes in the morning!

Practicing Gratitude

Be grateful for your day-to-day experiences. Something that I love to do is make gratitude lists. There is so much to be grateful for, even when it may not feel like it at the moment. By practicing gratitude, it shifts your focus to the things you do have rather than focusing on the things you don’t. The more positive you are about the life you have now, the more positivity you will attract. Whenever you are feeling down or even when you’re having the best day ever, make sure to take a moment and be thankful for your many blessings.

I hope you found these tips insightful! I’d love to hear how you liked them and if you have any other habits that you do to help you manifest your dream life. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram. Happy manifesting!


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