Fall in Love with Yourself and Your Life


How to fall in love with yourself and fall in love with your life. This is something that I am currently learning and as I’m learning I wanted to share my findings with you. The truth is that in order to have a fulfilling life full of purpose and light, you have to love yourself first. In order to give to others, be there for others, or create a reality you are proud of; you have to feel fulfilled on your own with who you are. I’ve always thought of myself as someone that has high confidence and self-worth, but as I’ve been going through this process of looking inwards, I realized that there are a few things that I need to fix. We all have periods of time where we learn more about ourselves and as we learn more about ourselves, we are able to change our previous patterns and create new and healthy ones. This is an ever-going process of learning how to love yourself in every stage of life. In fact, it is so imperative to your overall happiness and well-being to continue this form of self-development. I hope these tips resonate with you and for more explanation, please feel free to watch my video below!

Tip #1: Accept that low times are a part of life!

It’s important to understand that we all have low seasons. It’s humanly impossible to be happy all the time and to be high on life. We are cyclical beings. Even as women, we have a monthly cycle where we have days full of energy and days where we need to rest and recover. It’s understanding how to use these low seasons because in the end, they aren’t bad. If anything, this is THE time to look inward and really work on yourself — to figure out what you really want out of life and understand the deeper parts of yourself.

Tip #2: Spend quality quiet time with yourself.

Schedule time out of your day/week where you do nothing but sit with yourself. No distractions, maybe even sometimes not even music. Take time to really let your mind wander, feel, and understand what it is that you’re feeling. Journaling, meditation and therapy are all ways you can further understand how you’re feeling and why you may feel a certain way.

Tip #3: Allow yourself to feel.

It’s important to let yourself feel. Sometimes you may want to distract yourself than feel how you’re feeling. Or maybe you may not let yourself feel because there isn’t a “good enough” reason to why you’re feeling the way that you do. First and foremost, your feelings matter — big or small. Take the time to acknowledge your feelings and allow your feelings to pass through, you may find that next time these feelings come up again they’ll feel smaller and more manageable than they did before.

Tip #4: Make a list of the things that make you feel good.

Taking note of the activities and events that make you feel your best is a great way to create a happier life. When you fill your time doing the things you enjoy, you will have less time doing the things that bring you down. Simple as that.

Tip #5: Do less of the things that make you feel numb.

Speaking of doing less of the things that don’t make you feel good, sometimes you may not be aware of what things leave you feeling negatively. These things could be scrolling through social media, watching mindless tv, eating foods that make you feel ill or hurt your stomach, alcohol, drugs, or even surrounding yourself with toxic people and situations. Take note of what leaves you feeling unhappy and do your best to minimize your time doing those things or being around certain people or situations.

Tip #6: Make a list of the things that you absolutely LOVE about yourself.

When you list the things you love about others, you often mention how hardworking they are, how loyal they are, how loving they are, etc. It would be very superficial if you started to mention that what makes you love them is their career, how they look, or even what they have. You love them regardless of all those things because you love them for who they are! Why is it that we don’t love ourselves for the people we are. We often base our worth off of our achievements or outer appearance and that does not make us worthy at all. I mean they can superficially, but that shouldn’t be the sole reason why we love ourselves. Start making a list and noticing the real personal characteristics you love about yourself. Fall in love with who you are rather than what you do or how you look!

Tip #7: Write out your dream life and day.

I think it’s important to picture your dream life and day to get a sense of what you want in life. I would say to try picturing your dream day and life a few months from now. Sometimes our biggest dreams seem so far away. Therefore if you’re able to break them down into smaller time segments, you might be able to make those goals easier for you to attain. So do me a favor and answer these questions: Where do you want to be in a few months from now? What does your day look like? How do you feel? And start doing the things that you would do as that person daily.


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