The Winter Edit: Making Our Dreams Come True 🤍


Happy New Year my loves!

I hope you all are enjoying 2023 and living it to the fullest. We are almost through January — this month has gone by so fast! — and I thought it would be a great time for us to check in with our goals. It’s usually about mid-January to the end of January where we start to return to old habits and lose that “new year” motivation. To be honest, motivation is always fleeting. It’s the hard truth, but it’s worth accepting.

Motivation and inspiration, although helpful and fun, can initially get us started but it’s up to us to keep moving forward. Consistency, persistence, and discipline are the keys to bringing our dreams to life. For us to keep going, we need to stay accountable with achieving our goals and not only fantasize about the future, but focus on today.

It’s important to ask ourselves: what are we doing to make a lasting impact on our future today? It doesn’t have to be some magnificent achievement to move us forward. It can simply be getting a workout in, stretching, or eating a healthy balanced meal to move towards the goal of being healthier. It could be ticking off the task you keep putting off to move the needle towards making work or other opportunities happen. It could be stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new to achieve the goal of becoming more adventurous. Achieving anything you want in life all comes down to your daily habits. How is your daily routine supporting you? Is any part of your routine hindering you or is there a habit you’ve been meaning to break? It’s okay to change a routine you originally thought would work. It’s okay to change a routine that once did work and now doesn’t. Life is about being able to pivot. It’s about having the ability to change course when you realize what you’re doing isn’t working for you any longer. This doesn’t mean giving up when the going gets tough. There’s a difference. If you know it’s good for you and it’s tough, persist. If you know the actions you’re taking will no longer lead to achieving your goals, switch things up and pivot!

Whenever feeling unmotivated and negative I take that time to reflect. I understand that we are not always going to feel motivated and inspired all of the time. This is the time to lean on God, trust in His plans, and come back to what we know is true. Come back to our why. Be very good at listening, reflecting, pivoting, and persisting. This life is meant to be enjoyed. It’s also meant to be challenging, but just remember — You have everything within you to keep going!

I hope this blog post has helped you get back on the horse and helps you push through the times where your “old self” wants to take control. The best version of you is emerging. To be that person it requires peeling back the layers that aren’t you everyday. Your daily habits have to support you and that’s what I urge you to focus on.

As for the rest of the Winter Edit, you know I love sharing the things I love and have my eye on. Below you will find my winter essentials. Feel free to browse and enjoy what I have pieced together for you! I hope you have a lovely rest of your winter!

Love, Alicia xx


Disclaimer: The photo on the previous page and the photos featured in this collage is from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is of any of the photos, please let me know so I can credit them.


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