The Holiday Edit: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


Happy Holidays my dears!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and I am SO ready to enjoy this holiday season to the fullest! I spent a lot of time reflecting over Thanksgiving break and a few things came to mind. I really learned what it felt like to be present. To take things day by day and to do the things I love! Life should be cherished. Memories should be made and overall we should have fun doing the things that we love with the people that we love!

This year has been hard for many of us, including myself, and I know now how I want to wrap up the year and that is with so much love and joy in my heart! I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true! All I desire is to make memories and live my life to the fullest and what better way to do that than to fully embrace the holiday season?!

Since I’d love nothing more than for you to embrace the holiday season as well, I decided to put a list of holiday activities to partake in this season. Let me know if you happen to do any of these activities by tagging my @elegantandelevated account in an Instagram story.

  • Bake a Gingerbread Loaf

  • Gingerbread house competition

  • Host a holiday party or go to one :)

  • Ice skating is a winter favorite of mine! I also love skiing so if you have the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it!

  • Christmas movie night with your girlfriends! This is super fun too if you guys give white elephant gifts and wear Christmas pajamas!

And if you need help with your holiday shopping, I also put together a list of gift ideas for her and for teens. If you haven’t seen my gift guide for him yet, make sure to check that out as well.

It’s time to make this holiday season the most enjoyable yet! Remember it’s not about what you do, but your attitude when doing it! Do the things that make you happy and fully present with your friends and family.

Love you lots!

Alicia xx




Disclaimer: The photo on the previous page is from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is, please let me know so I can credit.


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