The Fall Edit: Let’s Get Down to Business!


It’s finally fall!

The morning air is crisp, the days are getting shorter, and the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin are all around! If you don’t currently live in Southern California or somewhere warm for that matter, you are personally blessed. It is around this time that I desire to live somewhere like NYC, somewhere along the East Coast, or even Paris (could you imagine!).

Although it doesn’t get super cold here in Los Angeles, I do enjoy the change in seasons here. Contrary to popular belief, we do get seasons and some trees do happen to change color! The seasons don’t drastically differ from one another so even though it doesn’t get cold cold, it does get pretty chilly during the Fall time.

That being said, it’s time to break out the cashmere sweaters, the knee-high boots, and decorating our homes accordingly! I have put some things together for you below that I personally am obsessed with and have or will be purchasing for myself this season. Autumn is a time for cozy knits, elevated basics, and simply accomplishing your goals.

Have you ever noticed feeling super motivated and eager to be productive during the Autumn season? I have and that is exactly what I’ve been up to this season. More than ever, I have had this yearning to work! To really get down to business and dedicate my time to my work, side hustle, and studies. Yes, I said studies. There’s been a lot going on in my life that I haven’t particularly shared on the internet and it’s honestly because I’ve wanted to keep my power to myself. I’ve highly resonated with the “work in silence, celebrate after” attitude. So although I have been quiet about my goals, I have been truly dedicating my time to bettering myself and working towards goals I’ve had for a while.

Here’s what I can tell you. I have a newfound love for education. I’ve always enjoyed school and I think that something many of us do when we graduate is we don’t continue to educate ourselves. You don’t need to be enrolled in a university, taking courses, and doing “homework” to be educating yourself. Although, I am definitely not against that. In fact I highly encourage it, if that’s your desire. You can educate yourself whenever and wherever you decide. This can go from enrolling in a course, taking up a new hobby, reading books on various topics, or learning a new highly-profitable skill. I highly advise you to keep learning. Keep leveling up your mind. Become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Here are a few reasons why it is a great idea to continue educating yourself on a wide array of topics:

  • You will have a vast perspective of the world. You are able to understand various point of views, different cultures, and even connect with others you didn’t expect to connect with.

  • You may find a new topic, hobby, or skill you love which elevates your happiness!

  • A mind that is always learning is a healthy mind. It is good for your brain to challenge it. In fact, there are studies about how learning different languages enhances your brain power and can add to your lifespan.

  • You will become more educated on a certain skill or topic that will positively affect your career or value to others. I am not talking about your intrinsic value. I am talking about the value you bring to others. You can be of more help to your workplace or your community. Having knowledge on a desired topic or skill has the power to help someone else.

Anyways, I hope this has helped you see where I’m coming from. There is so much I want to learn and there’s no better time to start than now! Get into the habit of studying (even when you’re not enrolled in school). Never stop educating yourself and working on your self-development. You might even find that you are smarter than you think! 😉

Let me know over on Instagram and DM me what you’re currently studying or working on! What goals do you want to accomplish before the year ends? What habits do you want to have as your higher self? How are you going to implement them and make your dreams happen?

Good luck my loves! I wish you all the best!

Alicia xx


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