My Current Favorite Amazon Finds

We all love to use Amazon. It’s fast, convenient, and now there’s a plethora of goodies to choose from. From home supplies, to beauty, to self-development, to fashion, and to furniture, there’s literally so many things Amazon has to offer. Since I’ve done quite a bit of shopping from Amazon over the years, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite finds! 

Let’s start off with homeware, shall we?

I love wine and not just drinking wine, per se, but understanding the art of wine. I've become interested in learning more about wine and all it’s intricacies last year and since then I’ve learned a lot! Let me know if you want a blog post on that ;) One of the things I’ve learned is about how you go about opening the bottle and particularly cutting the foil. You see, I used to simply slip the foil right off (thinking that was my greatest party trick). It wasn’t until I did this in front of a vintner that I learned that was not how you were supposed to do it. You see, the foil is part of the art of a wine bottle. Therefore, you are supposed to cut it with a pristine cut around the top (or bottle of the neck). If you aren’t particularly skilled in this, just use a wine foil cutter tool! I use this one from Amazon and it has made it the easiest task of all! It also is a great goodie bag gift as well!

Speaking of wine, I bought this wine rack when I first moved into my apartment. It was a dupe to this really nice marble wine rack that I liked from Anthropologie. The only two major differences are that this one doesn’t have the marble slab at the bottom and it’s a fraction of the price. Honestly, I now like this one better and I’m so glad I bought this decor piece. It’s beautiful and useful!

Another item that I consistently repurchase is this notebook. I love how many colors they have. I love that it’s lined and it’s truly the perfect size for a journal. If you know me, you know I love journals and therefore, I have a ton of them. I like to organize my different journals by color. This keeps me more organized and allows for each journal to have a specific purpose. Right now, I have 3 journals. One for my dreams, one for my goals, and one for my daily journaling needs. It’s one of those little things that make me happy and these don’t break the bank compared to other journals of similar size and quality.

Amazon is a great place to find good books! After all, that is how the business started. I love buying books from Amazon but usually it’s books I’ve already read and buy because I know I’m going to want to reread or reference in the future. My favorite book that I bought from Amazon recently is How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are by Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, and Sophie Mas. This is a book I actually stumbled upon in the library. I read it and LOVED it so much that I purchased it on Amazon after I finished it. Now, it’s a book I love to reference whenever I’m needing some extra inspiration.

Next up on the list is hand care. I’m thinking about making a whole post about this in the future, but for now these are some of my favorite hand care products.

Lastly if you’re my friend and you’re reading this (hi!), you know how much I rave about tea tree oil! It is literally the answer to all beauty problems. Well almost all. Anyways, this is my forever beauty staple and hack for numerous beauty imperfections or situations. This is the one I use and it will last you a very long time. Just remember to always dilute it with water to avoid burning your skin.

That is all for my Amazon recommendations! I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know which recommendation you try over on Instagram! :)


The Fall Edit: Let’s Get Down to Business!


Home Improvements