How To Heal Acne Naturally


I’ve received so many questions on how I cleared my acne over the years and what I do to have clear skin. For those who are struggling with acne, my heart goes out to you! It is very challenging to deal with. Not necessarily because of the acne itself, but of how it affects your overall confidence. I want you to remember that acne is temporary! You will get through this! I know when I was going through it, it was difficult for me to remember that it was only temporary. I had to continually remind myself that if I focus on getting to the root of the problem first and heal my body from the inside out, I would indeed heal slowly but surely.

I would also like to mention that the medication that helped me the most was Accutane. I understand Accutane is a very harsh medication which is why I don’t recommend it for everyone. However if you really have tried everything else, I would consult with your doctor to see if this would be a beneficial option for you. For those who don’t want to be on any sort of medication and would like to heal their acne naturally, here are the things I do to keep my skin clear and heal any flare ups that I experience.

The theme of this post is to focus on overall health. The reason your skin is acting up is because it is trying to tell you something is off. It could be stress, hormones, an imbalanced gut, or a multitude of other reasons. In order to heal your skin, you need to take inventory of your overall health and work to heal yourself from the inside out, one step at a time. Understand this will take time as it is a slow journey, but you will get there sure enough! Now, without further ado, here are my steps to clear skin.

Eat Simple and Clean

Eating clean looks different for everyone, but a general tip that I believe will help most people is limiting dairy, sugar, and excessive/processed oils. You’re going to have to experiment and see what foods are causing irritation and what foods are working for you. I personally eat whole, unprocessed (or minimally processed) foods. I prefer to cook at home out of pure enjoyment and my body feels better when I do. I will say when it comes to acne, you might have to have a strict diet for a while to figure out what it may be that’s causing your acne. After your acne heals, of course you can start slowly adding things back into your diet and/or enjoying things in moderation. 

Hydration is Key

This is not simply drinking more water (which I do recommend!), but there are a lot of people (me!) that drink a lot of water and are still not hydrated! That’s because you may not be getting enough electrolytes. For those who already drink a lot of water, you could actually be flushing out your electrolytes. This also goes for people who exercise or for people who take diuretic medications. Make sure to balance your electrolytes by incorporating coconut water, a low-sugar electrolyte mix, water with lemon and a pinch himalayan pink salt, or eating fresh fruits and veggies. There’s a lot of ways to replenish your electrolytes, these are just a few ways that I do. 

Manage Your Stress Levels

Exercise, get outside, and make time for you. We all struggle with stress from time to time (some of us quite often!) and when we’re stressed our body gets stressed. When our body is in fight or flight mode, it is less likely to heal and more likely to give us lots of new pimples. So breathe! Learn how to manage your stress levels in the best way that you can and in a way that’s most enjoyable to you. 

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Keep it simple when it comes to skincare. I’ve been to many dermatologists and they all usually suggest a gentle cleanser and moisturizer with some sort of topical ointment. If you’re new to skincare and aren’t familiar with what ingredients work together, I would suggest using products from the same line since they’re formulated to be used together. Sometimes, if you use products from all different lines/brands, there could be some sort of reaction that may cause more acne. I’m not an expert, but it could happen. So to be safe, I keep to the same 2 lines. I love iS Clinical and Elta MD and I have been using their products for years. However, I know these can be pricey so I also suggest CeraVe from the drugstore. When looking for products, I personally have sensitive acne-prone skin so I look for non-comedogenic products without fragrance. For acne treatment, I use Kate Somerville’s EradiKate. However if you have lots of acne, I would suggest seeing a dermatologist and see if a topical ointment would work best for you. 

Be Hygienic

This is not to say you’re not already being hygienic, but when struggling with acne you may have to go the extra mile. When struggling with acne, I suggest using a different wash cloth every time you wash your face, change out your body towel often, change your pillowcases and sheets often and try your very best not to touch your face. I also suggest using a detergent without fragrance for your sheets and towels. 

Get Your Hormones Checked!

This is my biggest tip because you can really be doing everything under the sun and still be struggling with acne. This is because there may be a hormone imbalance going on that you’re not aware of. Checking in with a doctor and getting blood work done is SUPER helpful and it is something I wish I did sooner. Along with getting your hormones checked, I would also encourage you to see if it may be a digestive or an allergen issue. Don’t be afraid to work with a doctor or a holistic practitioner. Sometimes, you may need help to understand the underlying issue. 

Mindset is Everything

Mindset, mindset, mindset! I’m telling you this is something that is WAY easier said than done. Trust me, I lived through it. It is so difficult when you are struggling with acne. It can very easily make you feel depressed, insecure, and totally mess with your self-confidence. I remember when I was going through it, I cried daily. It physically hurt so bad and it felt that everywhere I went people were staring (and they were at times). But, just know you WILL get through it! Just remind yourself that this is temporary. It can be fixed and it will be! Your body WILL heal! Be gentle with yourself and be kind and be patient. You got this!!!


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