Everyday Makeup Routine

I love makeup and I love beauty! But most of all, I love using makeup to enhance my natural features. I believe that makeup is an art. You can definitely get creative with it and do all sorts of different looks. However, on an everyday basis, I like to keep it simple. If you’re like me, you want to do the least amount of work in the least amount of time in the mornings. That’s why I like to keep my makeup routine to just a few key products that enhance my features and - in all honesty - make me look more awake than I actually am.

Feeling put together doesn’t have to be a tedious task. That’s why I’ve been loving these few key products. Here’s the routine: concealer under the eyes, around the nose, and chin (basically any red/dark areas); then I go in with my brow highlighter + brow powder; and lastly, I use mascara. AND THAT’S IT! If I have a little more time and I’m feeling up to it, I might do some contour, blush, and add some gloss. But usually during the week, I keep it to those 3 key steps. 

I believe that less is more and it wasn’t until we started quarantine that I realized I didn’t need powder all over my face or foundation. My skin needed to BREATHE and so I let it. Not only did this simplify my makeup routine, but I saw my skin starting to benefit. It had a chance to heal without me excessively reapplying pore-clogging products to combat oil or redness throughout the day.

Below you will find the list of products I love using on a daily basis. If you’re interested in seeing the application and technique to this routine, feel free to check out my Youtube video featuring my current everyday makeup.


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