The Winter Edit: Embracing Soft Discipline


Hello my loves!

Welcome to the Winter Edit where I share what’s on my heart, what I’m working on, and what I’m looking forward to this winter season. This winter season has been beautiful thus far. Lately, I’ve been focusing on strengthening my discipline muscle. This year, I am determined to follow through with certain goals that I’ve been a bit wishy-washy about. As I continue my transformation journey, I acknowledge that I still have some limiting beliefs and habitual behaviors to overcome. Therefore, I am making it a part of my daily routine to work on specific goals I have set for myself.

Throughout this journey of working on my discipline, I've learned to cultivate more love and acceptance for myself. While my nature drives me to reach for perfection, I remind myself that perfection isn’t the goal—progress is! Progress is about doing better than I did yesterday, stacking wins slowly but surely every single day. I've realized that being too hard on myself and not forgiving myself for "failing" when I've actually made significant progress is not a healthy mindset. So, I navigate this journey with self-love and by truly listening to my body and my needs. Now, I approach my day with calmness and peace instead of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list.

I've coined this approach as "soft discipline." My perspective on discipline has shifted, and I now allocate specific times to work on my goals while also setting aside time for listening to my body, meditating, and reflecting on my needs and emotions. Taking a moment to recognize how I feel and why I feel a certain way has been freeing and worth the pause. In my mission to be my most authentic self this year, I am becoming my own best friend and treating myself with the same care a mother would give to her child.

Another realization on this journey is that I often seek external validation, sometimes sacrificing my own needs. I've come to understand that this is not a sustainable way to live. Moving forward, I am committed to filling my own cup, and whatever is leftover, I can pour into my projects and inspire others to do the same. We all deserve the space to express ourselves, to love ourselves entirely, and to give ourselves whatever we need!

I hope this message brings enlightenment and shows you that it is not selfish to look after yourself. In fact, it is the most freeing and loving thing you can do for yourself. This is how you make the biggest difference in the world. By giving yourself the respect and love you deserve, you can make positive changes in your own life, inspire those around you, and have the energy to give to others.

I love you all more than anything! Thank you for consistently reading my articles and being so kind. Your support means everything! As with all of my seasonal edits, I am sharing some items that I have either purchased or have my eye on this season! Stay warm!

xx Alicia


Disclaimer: The photo on the previous page and the photos featured in this collage is from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is of any of the photos, please let me know so I can credit them.


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