Stepping Into a New Chapter: Becoming HER this Spring!


I'm bubbling with excitement as spring arrives! It feels like emerging from a long hibernation, ready to embrace a season of growth and vibrancy. With each new season, I engage in a ritual of envisioning my highest self, and it's a practice that has truly transformed my life. Here's how I prepare to embody my best self for the coming season.

First and foremost, I turn to my journal. Clarity is key, so I spend time answering questions that help me define who my highest self is for this season. It's a thorough process, but essential for visualizing the person I aspire to be.

Once I've captured my vision on paper, I make it a habit to revisit my journal entries daily for the first month of the season. It might seem like overkill, but this consistent reflection keeps me aligned with the version of myself I've outlined. I find myself naturally gravitating towards actions and decisions that resonate with that vision.

Next, I curate a moodboard that encapsulates the essence of the season for me. It's not about specific goals but rather the overall vibe I want to cultivate. Freshness, vibrancy, and self-focus are central themes for me this spring. I keep this moodboard as my phone or computer screensaver, letting its energy inspire me daily.

Music is another powerful tool for setting the tone of the season. I create a playlist tailored to my highest self, filled with tracks that uplift and energize me. It's a fun way to reinforce my vision and infuse each day with positive vibes.

As for activities, there are several things I'm eagerly anticipating this spring. From the ritual of spring cleaning to the simple pleasure of shopping for clothes in-person, I'm excited to indulge in experiences that align with my evolving self.

Outdoor adventures also top my list, whether it's hiking, beach outings, or dining al fresco. Living near the beach, I feel blessed to have such opportunities at my doorstep, and I intend to make the most of them.

Additionally, I'm embracing a newfound appreciation for couple outings with my partner and our friends. It's a dynamic I've grown to love and cherish, adding richness to our relationships.

Finally, I'm looking forward to refreshing my living space, finding joy in decorating and reorganizing my apartment. It's a small yet meaningful way to align my external environment with the growth I'm nurturing within.

Spring is indeed a time of renewal and possibility, and I'm eager to embrace it fully. By channeling my highest self and engaging in practices that align with my vision, I'm ready to make this season one of growth, vibrancy, and self-discovery.

And I hope you are too! ;)

xx Alicia


Disclaimer: The photo on the previous page and the photos featured in this collage is from Pinterest. If you happen to know who the owner is of any of the photos, please let me know so I can credit them.


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